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Welcome to Bayan Institute

Everyone who professes their faith to Islam needs to read the Quran. The Quran is a Holy Book that provides us with guidance on how we should act in our daily lives. It is our belief that teaching Quran to our Muslim brothers and sisters will help them transform into better individuals as they keep the lessons of Quran in their hearts.

We offer an opportunity for our Muslim brothers and sisters to learn Quran in an easy and convenient way. In the past, students will have to travel far just to be able to learn Quran. But now, we use the current technology in order to help our students gain a better understanding of the Quran. They will not have to travel anymore as they can already receive learning instructions from Internet applications and other forms of communication. At the same time, e-learning of the Quran is ideal for those who are physically unable to travel such as the elderly and those with medical conditions.

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Bayan Institute is a 501.c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization, teaching Islamic education mainly focusing on the message of the Quran.

Child and mother reading koran in mosque

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Do you have any prayer request? Send it to Bayan Institute online.


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